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Section: Dissemination


The activity of PolSys in post-quantum cryptography has been covered in several large audience magazines:

Ludovic Perret is member of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) quantum-safe security working group. In particular, he contributed to the following documents:

Ludovic Perret is also member of the quantum-safe cryptography specification group of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) where is the referee for a document on quantum-safe signatures.

Since May 2010, Daniel Lazard is engaged in a strong edition work on the English Wikipedia (more than 6000 contributions, including vandalism revert and talk pages). Initially focused on the themes of PolSys , these contributions were later enlarged to general algebra and algebraic geometry, because many elementary articles require to be expanded to be useful as a background for computer algebra. Examples of articles that have been subject of major editing: “System of polynomial equations” (created), “Computer algebra”, “Algebra”, “Algebraic geometry”, “Polynomial greatest common divisor”, “Polynomial factorization”, “Finite field”, “Hilbert series and Hilbert polynomial”,...

For the year 2017, this contribution amounts to about 2,000 edits on the English Wikipedia.

Mohab Safey El Din was invited by FMJH to present and popularize symbolic and algebraic computation to Master students in Mathematics following the curricula proposed by Univ. Paris-Saclay.